Monday, May 4, 2020

Hsa 505 free essay sample

1. The hospital urology department wants to establish a sexual dysfunction clinic. The department head wants to get an estimate of the number of males, ages 36 to 60, in the community suffering some form of sexual dysfunction. In the agenda of the hospital wanting to establish a sexual dysfunction clinic the methodology that should be used in probability sampling. The department head already knows who he wants to be chosen, so males living in the community know their chances of being selected. This circumstance is easy to understand, and it states that the individuals must have some form of sexual dysfunction in order to be chosen. Mailing surveys out into the community could be a great way to recognize the target population that the department head is targeting. This would provide anonymity and wouldn’t require personal information. 2. A primary care medical group is trying to determine whether patients are being greeted and serviced appropriately by the billing and admitting departments. We will write a custom essay sample on Hsa 505 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A convenience sample (nonprobability sample) is the methodology that the medical group should use in trying to determine how the patients are being greeted and serviced. The intention of this is to discuss with the patients the attitude and services they are receiving form the billing and admitting department; which can be indomitable fast and uncomplicated. The only dilemma would be not being able to determine the sampling error. The primary care group could hold one-on-one interviews with the patients on how they are being greeted and serviced. This would provide a high completion rate and the patients a long with the primary care group could develop some rapport for further data that is needed. 3. An MCO is trying to determine what concerns physicians have in agreeing to become part of its panel of physicians who will treat the managed care plan’s subscribers. In light of the MCO try to determine what concerns physicians have, using the stratified sample would be the appropriate methodology in the situation. The MCO could conduct a focus group to develop hypotheses. This will settle on any concerns the physicians have about becoming a part of the panel. This would be a very valuable approach for acquiring who will indulge the managed care plan subscribers. A woman’s health clinic has recognized the need to segment its market. 4. Describe three bases by which this clinic might segment the female market. The womens health clinic has a variety of ways in which they can segment its market. One base is sociodemographic segmentation. The women’s health clinic might ascertain a specific communication strategy geared to the needs of its patient’s age group. The clinic can base their services on gender; which in this clinic it would be women and they could offer pap smears, and mammograms. Another way the women’s health clinic can segment its market is psychographically through social class. The clinic can post advertisements (billboards, commercials, flyers, and brochures) directed to particular social classes in the area that would appeal women to utilize their services. A third major way the women’s health clinic can segment its market is by usage segmentation. To attract new patients who don’t utilize the facility, the clinic can launch a women’s health program targeted to women in the community. This program would be free and provide educational sessions, monthly newsletters, and access to schedule appointments via telephone, or internet. 5. Describe the manner in which the â€Å"product† component of the marketing mix would change in light of the segmentation base used. Newsletters are important and can tie into the customer satisfaction program of a health care organization. The product component would focus on individual differences in a way that would respond to elements in the marketing mix. If members of the market are not able to purchase the product or services then the market can’t be segmented. This would hinder a company from identifying which market segments to target and there would be not bases for segmentation to use. If an organizations market isn’t segmented then there is little value and affect towards the consumers behavior. 6. Explain the integration of this strategy in a total marketing program for a health care organization. The newsletters can tailor the program of the health care organization that would imply great results in patients and services. The health care organization is applying a major aspect by targeting the market with newsletters that will incline economic resources of the market. This shows consistency and availability for the organization by providing a guaranteed benefit that can maximize excessive customer satisfaction.

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