Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Impact of the Activities of Quacks on the Practice of Real Estate

THE IMPACT OF THE ACTIVITIES OF QUACKS ON THE PRACTICE OF REAL ESTATE PROFESSION IN NIGERIA. BY OREAGBA . K. OMOTOKE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE (HONS) IN ESTATE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF ESTATE MANAGEMENT JANUARY, 2011. Section ONE INTRODUCTION 1. 1. Foundation to the Study The idea of polished methodology depends on an expert in whatever professional field to serve his customer as well as the general public at large.This infers the need to keep up a serious extent of moral obligation and lead, since trustworthiness must be the watch word for any calling. Along these lines the accomplishment of expert status includes an order of study, an aggregation of information and a premise of trust combined with functional experience. In any case, the more expanded the field of training, the more outlandish it becomes for high expert codes and principles to be kept up and in this manner home office specifically can introduce problems.Age ncy can be alluded to as the matter of speaking to or offering a specific support for individuals or associations while a specialist is an individual who follows up in the interest of another as for a specific exchange, likewise an operator as someone who authoritatively speaks to another person in business or someone who offers a specific assistance for another. Then again, Real Estate,â inâ broadâ definition, alludes to land and everything fixed for all time a section thereof, and the nature and degree of one's advantage in that. In law, the word genuine, as it identifies with property, implies land as recognized from ersonal property; and domain is characterized as the intrigue one has in property. Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents Act 1981 characterized home organization practice as acting or holding oneself out to general society as prepared to act, for a commission, expense, reward or other thought, as an operator in regard of the deal or other removal of land and struc tures and of any intrigue in that or the buy or other securing of land and structures and of any intrigue in that or in regard of the renting or letting of land and structures and of any intrigue therein.Ibiyode(2009) in a meeting with the Saturday Tribune alludes to an undeveloped and unregistered individual from the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIESV) rehearsing bequest office as a quack. Throughout the years, land organization practice has seen the convergence of the two experts and non-experts the same. Enlisted Estate Surveyors and Valuers, legal advisors that fill in as specialists, property experts, contract foundations, land sellers and uneducated middle people are found in bequest organization business (Opalana, 2009).Akomolede (2006) points out that it is just inert and ineffective legal advisors who leave their own calling to fiddle into domain office. He further clarified that butchers, mechanics, drivers, bookkeepers, legal counselors, educators , understudies, security watches, even inert housewives and pretty much anyone can fiddle into the training to win a commission.Statistics inferred by Akpoyibo ( 2009) shows that in the previous 5 to 8 years, fraudsters, working under the front of domain engineers, bequest operators, property experts and the board, among different business names, have assumed control over the city of Lagos, tricking and bringing wretchedness and disarray into the lives of their casualties. A portion of their techniques are very refined, they would put commercials in the print and electronic media, use bulletins and even print hand bills to report opening for pads, independent condos to let or even land and houses available to be purchased (Akpoyibo, 2009).This circumstance has truly influenced the picture of rehearsing Estate Surveyors whereby proprietors of properties have given over deals and lettings of their various properties to operators who much of the time are not solid and don't have legiti mate rights to do such exercises and who can't catch up the observing and appropriate upkeep of their client’s properties.In such cases the proprietor of the properties is in danger of terrible inhabitant and poor support which brings about loss of client’s cash. Over the span of perusing this, the analyst was incited to discover how has the exercises of quacks influenced Real Estate Profession with exceptional spotlight on land organization and property dealings in Lagos Island and its environs because of its high volume of letting and deals exchanges. 1. 2. Explanation of Research ProblemAccording to Akomolede (2006), the most concerning issue confronting the bequest office business in Nigeria today is the nonappearance of guideline, there is no empowering law under which home operators are enrolled and controlled; the risk is that the calling in its current state considers the interruption of a wide range of quacks. Another fundamental issue with the current framewo rk is that there is no prerequisite to have a place with an administrative body so as to set up and practice as an agent.Estate specialists may decide to become individuals from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors or the National Association of Estate Agents, and it's a smart thought to check for their participation of these bodies while picking one to take a shot at your benefit. Wrongdoing Watch examinations distributed in the PM News (seventeenth September, 2009) uncovered that the vast majority of the properties publicized for lease or rent don't exist, and where they exist, individuals are joining many different casualties to line the eager pockets of these criminals.It was likewise uncovered that between a year ago and today, more than 1,000 house searchers in Lagos State have been tricked by these cheats, while a few a large number of naira has been lost. A few families have lost as long as they can remember investment funds and some have confronted desperation throu gh the exercises of these rebels. This study’s most prominent concern is the way that increasingly more house searchers are falling under the control of these quacks and a few a large number of naira is falsely gathered every day from Lagosians. The significant inquiries this examination plans to answer consequently include: i.What laws have been set up to control the exercises of quacks in Nigeria? ii. What are the impacts of quacks on Real Estate Practice ? iii. What should be possible to limit their exercises? 1. 3. Point and Objectives of Study The point of this examination is to contemplate the effect of the exercises of quacks on the act of land calling in Nigeria, with specific reference to Lagos Island property showcase. In accomplishing the point of this examination, the particular destinations are to: I. Look at the laws identifying with the act of bequest organization in Nigeria. ii.Asertain curious impacts of quacks on training of bequest office in the investigati on zone. iii. Distinguish approaches to limit the exercises of quacks to upgrade Real domain practice. 1. 4. Centrality of the Study Several authors have halfway inspected the effects and impacts of quacks on domain office practice. Comparable to their individual investigations, this examination will look at all part of misrepresentation related movement by distinguishing who these quacks are, likewise by inspecting the laws that controls the act of home office just as proposing potential answers for this menace.This undertaking will fill in as an impetus particularly to understudies right now reading bequest the executives and for those whose strength would be domain organization since it will aid appropriately arranging them as propective home assessors, and furthermore to the open telling them who they can relate with and how to recognize Estate Surveyors and Valuers. This examination is additionally significant in light of the fact that it would uncover the exercises of quacks/n on-experts in home organization, consequently empowering the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers to be in a decent situation to form out new sets of accepted rules for its individuals and discover methods of managing quacks.This research is to empower the perusers get why and how these quacks work under the covering of domain engineers, bequest operators, property advisors and the board, this is on the grounds that it has been seen by Crime Watch examinations that these quacks have assumed control over the city of Lagos, tricking and bringing hopelessness and disarray into the lives of their casualties. An itemized examination that would experience the total exploration necessities would no uncertainty limit, if not destroy the exercises of quacks in home office practice.This is the thing that this investigation means to accomplish notwithstanding advancing enthusiasm of organization assessors in the property showcase. This examination will go far in nullifying the exercises of quacks and furthermore telling the open who explicitly they can relate with and how to distinguish them, additionally keep general society from going into wrong hands. 1. 5. Extent of the Study No issue how aggressive an analyst could be, no single investigation can be sweeping. Henceforth, study limits must be characterized obviously. In this view his examination centers around the effect of the exercises of quacks on the act of Real Estate Profession in Nigeria. Bequest organization is choosen among different parts of land calling, in light of the fact that different parts of the calling needs permitting before one can rehearse, essentially an eatate operator needn't bother with proficient capabilities to rehearse. Additionally the exercises of the quacks influence more individuals at the lower rung of social and monetary stepping stool. Be that as it may, time limitation doesn't take into account the inclusion of the whole country.For this explanation, the extent of this examination is confined to Lagos Island, since it is known to be a business zone and it plays host to the fundamental government structures, shops and workplaces. Lagos Island contains a focal business region and this locale is described by elevated structures where all kind of exercises occur, generally business and budgetary organizations are executed and furthermore where various experts are based, and furthermore in light of the fact that it is huge and has a ton of home firms inside the zone. 1. 6. Study Area Lagos Is

Saturday, August 22, 2020

BUSINESS - It's Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment Essay

BUSINESS - It's Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment - Essay Example Since men had the option to communicate their thoughts, religion had been the reason for battling for instance, the Crusades. Sadly individuals had utilized religion as a support for battling. Along these lines the men who decipher the religion expresses, that slaughtering guiltless lives and plundering is totally supported and lawful, as long as they are doing it for their religion, however in every other body of evidence its an unspeakable atrocity. Strict convictions and standards don't legitimize war, since one-individual expresses that God had advised them to battle and battle they will is prominently unintelligent. Fighting annihilates lives, utilizing religion, as a reason to kill incalculable casualties is an astounding inquiry since brutality ought not be directed due to a strict clash. War doesn't settle anything, just the reason for annihilation. The Crusades is a brilliant illustration of a contention that prospered from a distinction in religions. The Europeans had called their Christian armed force increasingly acculturated then to the alleged unbelievers they are battling. A multitude of being progressively socialized then the adversary can likewise be state as promulgation. No religion has an option to proclaim war on one another due to sacred land. The Pope had requested that the individuals battle in an obscure domain to recapture the blessed grounds, in which on the off chance that one does as such, his transgressions will be pardoned. Individuals left their spouses, youngsters, guardians, family, and companions to battle in this Blessed War in light of the fact that the Pope had pronounced that battling is excusable and will enter paradise in the afterlife. Individuals kick the bucket in wars, it is extremely unlikely that can be fixed, or in another term, just. Sure the Crusades had brought Europe out of the Dark Ag es yet at what cost, the lives died by the blade can never be recuperated. Because of untruths, warriors walk gladly onto the front line anticipating a wonderful triumph for the sake of their blessed God, having no questions on where they goes in the great beyond.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sioux City

Sioux City Sioux City, city (1990 pop. 80,505), seat of Woodbury co., NW Iowa, at the junction of the Big Sioux and Floyd rivers with the Missouri; inc. 1857. It is a shipping, wholesale trade, and industrial center for an extensive agricultural and livestock area (including nearby states). It has a huge, central livestock market, a leading hog market, meatpacking houses, and processing plants for popcorn, poultry, and honey. Chemicals and fertilizers, electric and electronic goods, consumer products, feeds, apparel, machinery, transportation and computer equipment, communication towers, and seed are among its diverse products. The city was named to a honor a Sioux chief who aided the area's early pioneers. Morningside College and Briar Cliff Univ. are there. Nearby is a monument commemorating the death and burial (1804) of Sgt. Charles Floyd of the Lewis and Clark expedition . The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. Political Geography

Sunday, May 24, 2020

How to Get Learning Accommodations at School

Some students struggle in school and need more support than is typically found in the traditional classroom, but that extra support isnt always easy to come by. For college students, typically the institution will require that the student provide documentation and request accommodations in a timely manner, and most will have the resources available to meet the students needs. However, the same isnt always true at secondary schools or middle/elementary schools. For schools who dont have robust academic support programs, students may be  forced into special education classrooms or they may be required to stumble along without accommodations in the traditional classroom.   However, there are options for students struggling in school, and one of those options is a private school. Unlike public schools, parochial and private schools do not have to grant students with learning disabilities accommodations. This ruling falls under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act  and is a direct result of the fact that private schools dont receive public funding. These private schools also have a pass when it comes to the need to follow the regulations of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), which states that public schools must grant students with disabilities a free appropriate public education. In addition, unlike public schools, private schools do not offer students with disabilities IEPs, or Individual Educational Plans. Private Schools: Varying Resources and Accommodations Because they do not have to adhere to these federal laws governing the education of students with disabilities, private schools vary in the support they grant to students with learning and other disabilities. While years ago, private schools often said that they did not accept students with learning issues, today, most schools accept students who have diagnosed learning issues, such as dyslexia and ADHD, and other issues such as autistic spectrum disorder,  recognizing that these issues are actually common, even among very bright students. There are even a number of private schools who cater to the needs of students with learning differences. Some private schools for learning differences were founded specifically for students whose learning challenges  dont allow them to enter the mainstream classroom. The goal is often to support students and teach them to understand their issues and develop coping mechanisms that allow them to enter the mainstream classroom, but some students remain in these specialized schools for their entire high school careers.   Dedicated Learning Specialists In addition, many private schools have psychologists and learning specialists on staff who can help students with learning issues organize their work and refine their study skills.  As such, a number of mainstream private schools even offer academic support program, ranging from basic tutoring to more comprehensive academic support curriculums that provide students with a personal educational expert to help them better learn how they learn and understand the challenges they have. While tutoring is common, some schools go beyond that and offer organizational structure, time management skill development, study tips, and even provide advice on working with teachers, classmates and handling workloads.   Private schools also may be able to grant accommodations to help students in school, including the following: extra time on testsuse of a computer or tablet for writing in-class essays and assignmentshelp from a learning specialist to learn how to prepare for tests, study, organize study materialsuse of a private room for testing or work If youre thinking of private school and either know or suspect that your child may need extra assistances, consider these steps you might pursue to determine if the school can meet your childs needs: Get Started with Professional Evaluations If you havent already, make sure to have your child evaluated by a licensed professional. You may be able to have the evaluation conducted by the local school board, or you may ask your private school for the names of private evaluators. The evaluation should document the nature of your childs disabilities and the required or suggested accommodations. Remember, that while private schools arent required to grant accommodations, many offer basic, reasonable accommodations, such as extended time on tests, for students with documented learning issues. Meet with Professionals at the School before you apply Yes, even if youre just applying to the school, you can request meetings with the academic specialists at the school. Assuming you have the testing results available, you may set up appointments. You would likely coordinate these meetings through the admission office, and they can often be combined with a school visit or sometimes even an Open House, if you provide advance notice. This allows both you and the school to assess whether or not your childs needs can be properly met by the school. Meet with Professionals at the School after youre accepted Once youre accepted, you should schedule a time to meet with your childs teachers and learning specialist or psychologist to begin developing a plan for success. You can discuss the results of the evaluation, the proper accommodations for your child and what this means in terms of your childs schedule. Here are more strategies about how to advocate for your child with learning issues. Article edited by Stacy Jagodowski.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Evaluation of Business Strategy Employed by Google China for Ascertaining Viability of Organisation Free Essay Example, 2250 words

Porter, has argued that a firm needs to have sustainable competitive advantages and there are two sources of competitive advantage; cost advantage and differentiation. In a differentiation strategy used by Google. cn, an organization seeks to be unique from other competitors in the industry where it offers services that are valued by the customers. Its position is entrenched by its ability to customize the search engine according to Chinese users language needs as well as launching a series of services to complement the search function. Through the development of a strategic partnership with China Mobile, China s largest telecom service operator, the organization s strategic position is strengthened and this gives the organization a competitive advantage over other rival competitors. 3.0 Analysis of the organization s strategic direction In order to critically analyze the organization s strategic direction paying particular attention to the identification of the methods by which th e organization s strategies have been pursued, it is imperative to conduct a SWOT analysis. A SWOT analysis defines the relationship between the internal and external environmental factors in the appraisals in the strategic analysis (Robinson 1997). Basically, SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses which represent the internal environment of the firm while opportunities and threats are external environmental factors. We will write a custom essay sample on Evaluation of Business Strategy Employed by Google China for Ascertaining Viability of Organisation or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Therefore, the objective of this analysis is to use the strategic pointers in order to use the existing business strengths to exploit the opportunities, create new opportunities, to counteract threats and repair the weaknesses (Robinson 1997). The major strength of Google is that it uses a complex set of highly developed processes in terms of innovative offerings and it also has a cutting-edge information technology infrastructure. In as far as strategic direction is concerned, this can go a long way in entrenching the position and strategy of the organization if properly implemented. This gives it a competitive edge which makes it possible to attain its strategic direction with the aim of positively influencing the behavior of internet users in China.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Brazilian foreign policy Free Essays

The fact that Brazil is one of the most important emerging nations can not be denied. There is no doubt that this country leads the pack when it comes to economic and political supremacy in the southern part of the American continent. This has been made possible by the desire of this country to become a regional and global power to reckon with. We will write a custom essay sample on Brazilian foreign policy or any similar topic only for you Order Now To this end, most of the presidents that have ruled this nation since the end of the military rule in the 1980’s have come up with foreign policies that can be viewed as assuming an international look while at the same time trying to maintain the sovereignty of this nation. Most notable of these foreign policies is the one that is adopted by the current Brazilian president. When Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva took the helm of this country in 2003, he came up with a foreign policy that seemed to be in contrast in some ways to his predecessor’s. Fernando Henrique Cardoso’s foreign policy, when compared to that of Lula, shows some remarkable differences. Lula has been vocal in opposing the hegemony that is associated with American foreign policies. He tries to create an economic and political system that is independent on the American influence while at the same been recognized by America as an equal, rather than a puppet of the American government. This stance seemed to be criticized when he developed a brief relationship, a close one, with George W. Bush when he came to power in 2002. This may be the reason why his foreign policies have been regarded as been inconsistent. But he maintains a pessimistic view of the globalization phenomenon. He regards it as the tool that is used by the rich nations to stifle and exploit both the poor and the emerging nations. This paper is going to take a critical look at Lula’s foreign policy. The strong points of his policy will be reviewed, as well as the weaknesses and challenges. Lula’s Foreign Policy: Assertive? According to Hurrell (51), Lula can be described as having taken a stand on international system that can be described as been mildly interesting. He views this international system with doubt, but goes ahead to say that it is possible for brazil to maintain an â€Å"activist and assertive foreign policy† (Hurrell 51). Cardoso’s foreign policy was regarded as not been assertive enough. He was once quoted saying that â€Å"creating friction with Washington is to lose† (Hurrell 53). This administration was not seen as defending the interests of this Latin American nation sufficiently. Lula sought to adapt a different style, aided by his supporters in the Workers Party. Lula emphasized the fact that the instability of the international system coupled by the centralization of powers in few hands was not a recipe for the development and sovereignty of Brazil. He was of the view that United States, together with a handful of allies, held far too much power in the international arena, such that if anything were to happen to them, it will affect most of the world’s nations negatively (Hurrell 51). He has always pointed to the current economic crisis as an example of how blunders committed by the wealthy nation of the world led to miseries of the poor nations. His disdain for the developed nations was evident when he talked down on Gordon Brown in a press conference in March 2009. He made the quote that made international headlines for days. â€Å"This crisis was caused by whiter people with blue eyes (sic)†¦. they pretended to know all about economics† (SkyNews 2009). He said this in front of Gordon brown, one his so called â€Å"white people with blue eyes†. Apart from showing how much he detested western powers, this statement was a clear indication of the fact that Lula does not fear these greedy westerners. He will stand by what he believes to be the truth, even if it did not go down well with the whites. The only other head of state that can be expected to make such a statement is maybe the Muslim leaders. But a president from a reportedly friendly nation to the Americans! Lula contends that the hyped global economy is more injurious than it is beneficial to the emerging nations (Hurrell 52). By this form of trade, the western nations entrench themselves in the world political and economic arena, while crises are created for the poor. A pointer to this is the current economic crisis. There is also a lot of inequality both internally and externally. This is because global trade benefits few individuals inside the local economies and few nations in the international arena. Lula’s administration has always sought to maintain the autonomy of this nation in the international arena (Hurrell 52). But at the same time, it needs to forge ties with other nations around the world. Lula has concentrated in forming ties with other emerging nations, shunning the western and developed countries (Barriaux 1). This will mitigate the external vulnerabilities associated with disassociation with the world superpowers. That is why Lula has shunned the North American’s Free Trade Area. Instead, he has resorted to strengthening regional cooperation with neighbors like Uruguay, Paraguay and others across the continent like South Africa, china and India (Fitzpatrick 1). Lula has started to give Washington jitters when it became obvious that he was intent in developing Brazilian nuclear technology (Hurrell 52). His administration is engaged in industrial secrets. But at the same time, he is wise enough to maintain friendly relations with the nuclear inspection teams that have been deployed to Brazil. Lula’s Foreign Policy: Successful? His policies have been hailed by many people as been a success story. This is considering the fact that countries which have tried to defy the western superpowers have fallen by the way side. But Brazil blazes ahead, albeit jerkily, even after defying America Washington and London. But still, some critics have been opining that Lula’s foreign policy is inconsistent. But maybe, the consistency of Lula’s foreign policy lies in its inconsistency. Perhaps the strength of his foreign policy lies in these so called inconsistencies. Brazil has always maintained a tough stance when it came to global trade. She was defiant that no dumping of low quality goods from foreign economies will be done on her economy. This was contradicted when Lula’s administration acknowledged China as a â€Å"market economy† (Fitzpatrick 1). This was in 2004. What this means is that Brazil can not stop the flow of low quality goods from China. China is known for her tendency to flood the international economy with her cheap, low quality goods. This is death sentence to the local industries. Brazil has resisted this until this point in time. China refused to back Lula in his bid to get a permanent slot at the United Nations’ Security Council (Fitzpatrick 1). This was seen as inconsistency in Lula’s stance of an autonomous nation. However, in 2009, Lula was in Beijing. This was perhaps payback time for China. While he was there, he signed a deal with Hu Jintao that would see Brazil export a total of 200,000 barrels of crude oil to Beijing (Barriaux 1). Also, a loan was offered to him from the Chinese government that was to spur development in Brazil. This was in excess of 10-billion dollar (Barriaux 1). He took his disdain of the American regime there when he said that plans were underway to abandon the American dollar as the medium of exchange when the two countries were conducting trade. This is the consistency of Lula’s inconsistent foreign policy that the writer is talking about. Lula, by signing the contract with the Chinese government, expressed his desire of cementing ties with other nations apart from the West. Brazil is a gross exporter of agricultural products, and this is the backbone of her economy (Fitzpatrick 1). When Lula and his lieutenants take the pessimistic and negative regard of the global market, one is left wondering where Lula plans to sell the entire Soya from this country. However, Lula has been calculative as ever. He led a boycott of the Doha round table talks in 2003, leading a group of developing nations out of the venue until the developed nations addressed their concerns. Celso Amorim, the foreign minister, led a successful crusade against subsidies that the European Union and America offered to their farmers (Fitzpatrick 1). All this was geared towards safeguarding the agricultural exports of the country. Lula has worked hard to revive Mercosur, the regional trade bloc of the Latin American nations (Hurrell 55). This is assign that he is interested in asserting regional control and influence in this region. Been a member of this organization, Lula will be able to bargain with the Americans and Britons when it comes to trade matters. This has given Lula leverage such that he is able to shun the western nations and at the same time make himself relevant to them. He has opted for this organization while at the same time resisting the Free Trade Area espoused by United States. Conclusion Lula has adopted a foreign policy stance that is bold but at the same time risky. He has sought to assert the presence of the Brazilian nation in the global arena while at the same time refusing to ride on the tail coats of the developed nations, like America. He has a pessimistic view of the global economy. This is risky considering the fact that Brazil is an exporting economy, and thus has to rely on the global market for success. Lula has tried to forge coalitions with other emerging nations like India and China. This way, Lula has eliminated the external vulnerability that the western countries would have taken advantage of by alienating Brazil with the rest of the developing nations. References Barriaux, M. C. Lula Signs Financial Agreements with Beijing. Retrieved from http://news. yahoo. com/s/afp/20090519/wl_asia_afp/chinabrazildiplomacytradecurrency_20090519162806, on 13th June, 2009. Fitzpatrick, J. K. Inconsistency of Brazil’s Foreign Policy. Retrieved from http://www. brazzil. com/2005-mainmenu-79/159-december-2005/9491. html, on 13th June, 2009. Hurrell, S. A. Lula’s Brazil: A Rising Power, but Going Where? Oxford: Oxford University, 51-57. SkyNews. White People with Blue Eyes. Retrieved from http://www. foxnews. com/story/0,2933,510954,00. html, on 13th June, 2009. How to cite Brazilian foreign policy, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Hsa 505 free essay sample

1. The hospital urology department wants to establish a sexual dysfunction clinic. The department head wants to get an estimate of the number of males, ages 36 to 60, in the community suffering some form of sexual dysfunction. In the agenda of the hospital wanting to establish a sexual dysfunction clinic the methodology that should be used in probability sampling. The department head already knows who he wants to be chosen, so males living in the community know their chances of being selected. This circumstance is easy to understand, and it states that the individuals must have some form of sexual dysfunction in order to be chosen. Mailing surveys out into the community could be a great way to recognize the target population that the department head is targeting. This would provide anonymity and wouldn’t require personal information. 2. A primary care medical group is trying to determine whether patients are being greeted and serviced appropriately by the billing and admitting departments. We will write a custom essay sample on Hsa 505 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A convenience sample (nonprobability sample) is the methodology that the medical group should use in trying to determine how the patients are being greeted and serviced. The intention of this is to discuss with the patients the attitude and services they are receiving form the billing and admitting department; which can be indomitable fast and uncomplicated. The only dilemma would be not being able to determine the sampling error. The primary care group could hold one-on-one interviews with the patients on how they are being greeted and serviced. This would provide a high completion rate and the patients a long with the primary care group could develop some rapport for further data that is needed. 3. An MCO is trying to determine what concerns physicians have in agreeing to become part of its panel of physicians who will treat the managed care plan’s subscribers. In light of the MCO try to determine what concerns physicians have, using the stratified sample would be the appropriate methodology in the situation. The MCO could conduct a focus group to develop hypotheses. This will settle on any concerns the physicians have about becoming a part of the panel. This would be a very valuable approach for acquiring who will indulge the managed care plan subscribers. A woman’s health clinic has recognized the need to segment its market. 4. Describe three bases by which this clinic might segment the female market. The womens health clinic has a variety of ways in which they can segment its market. One base is sociodemographic segmentation. The women’s health clinic might ascertain a specific communication strategy geared to the needs of its patient’s age group. The clinic can base their services on gender; which in this clinic it would be women and they could offer pap smears, and mammograms. Another way the women’s health clinic can segment its market is psychographically through social class. The clinic can post advertisements (billboards, commercials, flyers, and brochures) directed to particular social classes in the area that would appeal women to utilize their services. A third major way the women’s health clinic can segment its market is by usage segmentation. To attract new patients who don’t utilize the facility, the clinic can launch a women’s health program targeted to women in the community. This program would be free and provide educational sessions, monthly newsletters, and access to schedule appointments via telephone, or internet. 5. Describe the manner in which the â€Å"product† component of the marketing mix would change in light of the segmentation base used. Newsletters are important and can tie into the customer satisfaction program of a health care organization. The product component would focus on individual differences in a way that would respond to elements in the marketing mix. If members of the market are not able to purchase the product or services then the market can’t be segmented. This would hinder a company from identifying which market segments to target and there would be not bases for segmentation to use. If an organizations market isn’t segmented then there is little value and affect towards the consumers behavior. 6. Explain the integration of this strategy in a total marketing program for a health care organization. The newsletters can tailor the program of the health care organization that would imply great results in patients and services. The health care organization is applying a major aspect by targeting the market with newsletters that will incline economic resources of the market. This shows consistency and availability for the organization by providing a guaranteed benefit that can maximize excessive customer satisfaction.