Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Impact of the Activities of Quacks on the Practice of Real Estate

THE IMPACT OF THE ACTIVITIES OF QUACKS ON THE PRACTICE OF REAL ESTATE PROFESSION IN NIGERIA. BY OREAGBA . K. OMOTOKE IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE (HONS) IN ESTATE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF ESTATE MANAGEMENT JANUARY, 2011. Section ONE INTRODUCTION 1. 1. Foundation to the Study The idea of polished methodology depends on an expert in whatever professional field to serve his customer as well as the general public at large.This infers the need to keep up a serious extent of moral obligation and lead, since trustworthiness must be the watch word for any calling. Along these lines the accomplishment of expert status includes an order of study, an aggregation of information and a premise of trust combined with functional experience. In any case, the more expanded the field of training, the more outlandish it becomes for high expert codes and principles to be kept up and in this manner home office specifically can introduce problems.Age ncy can be alluded to as the matter of speaking to or offering a specific support for individuals or associations while a specialist is an individual who follows up in the interest of another as for a specific exchange, likewise an operator as someone who authoritatively speaks to another person in business or someone who offers a specific assistance for another. Then again, Real Estate,â inâ broadâ definition, alludes to land and everything fixed for all time a section thereof, and the nature and degree of one's advantage in that. In law, the word genuine, as it identifies with property, implies land as recognized from ersonal property; and domain is characterized as the intrigue one has in property. Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents Act 1981 characterized home organization practice as acting or holding oneself out to general society as prepared to act, for a commission, expense, reward or other thought, as an operator in regard of the deal or other removal of land and struc tures and of any intrigue in that or the buy or other securing of land and structures and of any intrigue in that or in regard of the renting or letting of land and structures and of any intrigue therein.Ibiyode(2009) in a meeting with the Saturday Tribune alludes to an undeveloped and unregistered individual from the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIESV) rehearsing bequest office as a quack. Throughout the years, land organization practice has seen the convergence of the two experts and non-experts the same. Enlisted Estate Surveyors and Valuers, legal advisors that fill in as specialists, property experts, contract foundations, land sellers and uneducated middle people are found in bequest organization business (Opalana, 2009).Akomolede (2006) points out that it is just inert and ineffective legal advisors who leave their own calling to fiddle into domain office. He further clarified that butchers, mechanics, drivers, bookkeepers, legal counselors, educators , understudies, security watches, even inert housewives and pretty much anyone can fiddle into the training to win a commission.Statistics inferred by Akpoyibo ( 2009) shows that in the previous 5 to 8 years, fraudsters, working under the front of domain engineers, bequest operators, property experts and the board, among different business names, have assumed control over the city of Lagos, tricking and bringing wretchedness and disarray into the lives of their casualties. A portion of their techniques are very refined, they would put commercials in the print and electronic media, use bulletins and even print hand bills to report opening for pads, independent condos to let or even land and houses available to be purchased (Akpoyibo, 2009).This circumstance has truly influenced the picture of rehearsing Estate Surveyors whereby proprietors of properties have given over deals and lettings of their various properties to operators who much of the time are not solid and don't have legiti mate rights to do such exercises and who can't catch up the observing and appropriate upkeep of their client’s properties.In such cases the proprietor of the properties is in danger of terrible inhabitant and poor support which brings about loss of client’s cash. Over the span of perusing this, the analyst was incited to discover how has the exercises of quacks influenced Real Estate Profession with exceptional spotlight on land organization and property dealings in Lagos Island and its environs because of its high volume of letting and deals exchanges. 1. 2. Explanation of Research ProblemAccording to Akomolede (2006), the most concerning issue confronting the bequest office business in Nigeria today is the nonappearance of guideline, there is no empowering law under which home operators are enrolled and controlled; the risk is that the calling in its current state considers the interruption of a wide range of quacks. Another fundamental issue with the current framewo rk is that there is no prerequisite to have a place with an administrative body so as to set up and practice as an agent.Estate specialists may decide to become individuals from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors or the National Association of Estate Agents, and it's a smart thought to check for their participation of these bodies while picking one to take a shot at your benefit. Wrongdoing Watch examinations distributed in the PM News (seventeenth September, 2009) uncovered that the vast majority of the properties publicized for lease or rent don't exist, and where they exist, individuals are joining many different casualties to line the eager pockets of these criminals.It was likewise uncovered that between a year ago and today, more than 1,000 house searchers in Lagos State have been tricked by these cheats, while a few a large number of naira has been lost. A few families have lost as long as they can remember investment funds and some have confronted desperation throu gh the exercises of these rebels. This study’s most prominent concern is the way that increasingly more house searchers are falling under the control of these quacks and a few a large number of naira is falsely gathered every day from Lagosians. The significant inquiries this examination plans to answer consequently include: i.What laws have been set up to control the exercises of quacks in Nigeria? ii. What are the impacts of quacks on Real Estate Practice ? iii. What should be possible to limit their exercises? 1. 3. Point and Objectives of Study The point of this examination is to contemplate the effect of the exercises of quacks on the act of land calling in Nigeria, with specific reference to Lagos Island property showcase. In accomplishing the point of this examination, the particular destinations are to: I. Look at the laws identifying with the act of bequest organization in Nigeria. ii.Asertain curious impacts of quacks on training of bequest office in the investigati on zone. iii. Distinguish approaches to limit the exercises of quacks to upgrade Real domain practice. 1. 4. Centrality of the Study Several authors have halfway inspected the effects and impacts of quacks on domain office practice. Comparable to their individual investigations, this examination will look at all part of misrepresentation related movement by distinguishing who these quacks are, likewise by inspecting the laws that controls the act of home office just as proposing potential answers for this menace.This undertaking will fill in as an impetus particularly to understudies right now reading bequest the executives and for those whose strength would be domain organization since it will aid appropriately arranging them as propective home assessors, and furthermore to the open telling them who they can relate with and how to recognize Estate Surveyors and Valuers. This examination is additionally significant in light of the fact that it would uncover the exercises of quacks/n on-experts in home organization, consequently empowering the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers to be in a decent situation to form out new sets of accepted rules for its individuals and discover methods of managing quacks.This research is to empower the perusers get why and how these quacks work under the covering of domain engineers, bequest operators, property advisors and the board, this is on the grounds that it has been seen by Crime Watch examinations that these quacks have assumed control over the city of Lagos, tricking and bringing hopelessness and disarray into the lives of their casualties. An itemized examination that would experience the total exploration necessities would no uncertainty limit, if not destroy the exercises of quacks in home office practice.This is the thing that this investigation means to accomplish notwithstanding advancing enthusiasm of organization assessors in the property showcase. This examination will go far in nullifying the exercises of quacks and furthermore telling the open who explicitly they can relate with and how to distinguish them, additionally keep general society from going into wrong hands. 1. 5. Extent of the Study No issue how aggressive an analyst could be, no single investigation can be sweeping. Henceforth, study limits must be characterized obviously. In this view his examination centers around the effect of the exercises of quacks on the act of Real Estate Profession in Nigeria. Bequest organization is choosen among different parts of land calling, in light of the fact that different parts of the calling needs permitting before one can rehearse, essentially an eatate operator needn't bother with proficient capabilities to rehearse. Additionally the exercises of the quacks influence more individuals at the lower rung of social and monetary stepping stool. Be that as it may, time limitation doesn't take into account the inclusion of the whole country.For this explanation, the extent of this examination is confined to Lagos Island, since it is known to be a business zone and it plays host to the fundamental government structures, shops and workplaces. Lagos Island contains a focal business region and this locale is described by elevated structures where all kind of exercises occur, generally business and budgetary organizations are executed and furthermore where various experts are based, and furthermore in light of the fact that it is huge and has a ton of home firms inside the zone. 1. 6. Study Area Lagos Is

Saturday, August 22, 2020

BUSINESS - It's Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment Essay

BUSINESS - It's Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment - Essay Example Since men had the option to communicate their thoughts, religion had been the reason for battling for instance, the Crusades. Sadly individuals had utilized religion as a support for battling. Along these lines the men who decipher the religion expresses, that slaughtering guiltless lives and plundering is totally supported and lawful, as long as they are doing it for their religion, however in every other body of evidence its an unspeakable atrocity. Strict convictions and standards don't legitimize war, since one-individual expresses that God had advised them to battle and battle they will is prominently unintelligent. Fighting annihilates lives, utilizing religion, as a reason to kill incalculable casualties is an astounding inquiry since brutality ought not be directed due to a strict clash. War doesn't settle anything, just the reason for annihilation. The Crusades is a brilliant illustration of a contention that prospered from a distinction in religions. The Europeans had called their Christian armed force increasingly acculturated then to the alleged unbelievers they are battling. A multitude of being progressively socialized then the adversary can likewise be state as promulgation. No religion has an option to proclaim war on one another due to sacred land. The Pope had requested that the individuals battle in an obscure domain to recapture the blessed grounds, in which on the off chance that one does as such, his transgressions will be pardoned. Individuals left their spouses, youngsters, guardians, family, and companions to battle in this Blessed War in light of the fact that the Pope had pronounced that battling is excusable and will enter paradise in the afterlife. Individuals kick the bucket in wars, it is extremely unlikely that can be fixed, or in another term, just. Sure the Crusades had brought Europe out of the Dark Ag es yet at what cost, the lives died by the blade can never be recuperated. Because of untruths, warriors walk gladly onto the front line anticipating a wonderful triumph for the sake of their blessed God, having no questions on where they goes in the great beyond.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sioux City

Sioux City Sioux City, city (1990 pop. 80,505), seat of Woodbury co., NW Iowa, at the junction of the Big Sioux and Floyd rivers with the Missouri; inc. 1857. It is a shipping, wholesale trade, and industrial center for an extensive agricultural and livestock area (including nearby states). It has a huge, central livestock market, a leading hog market, meatpacking houses, and processing plants for popcorn, poultry, and honey. Chemicals and fertilizers, electric and electronic goods, consumer products, feeds, apparel, machinery, transportation and computer equipment, communication towers, and seed are among its diverse products. The city was named to a honor a Sioux chief who aided the area's early pioneers. Morningside College and Briar Cliff Univ. are there. Nearby is a monument commemorating the death and burial (1804) of Sgt. Charles Floyd of the Lewis and Clark expedition . The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. Political Geography