Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Management Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Management Assessment - Essay Example From my personal Jungian personality type, I am a loyal, amiable, and willing to make sacrifices for the greatest good. This means that I am a dedicated person to the god of my job, especially in the struggle to achieve results. Management style thus is a dedicated type of management that does not offer room for laxity. As a manager with these qualities, I expect my team to be team players in their work, show dedication and willingness to work. However, this type of management style is suitable for careers such as a masseur, vet, painter, mechanic or clerical supervisor. This means that I have few people to manage in my daily operations. This helps in avoiding overworking others, as I would expect them to show equal dedication to work just like their manager. In most cases, this type of management leads to coercion and pushing other people, some times to the extreme limits. Although this type of management achieves results and targets at an early stage, employees feel more used and e xploited, leaving them demotivated. It could lead to a high employee turnover in a large organization. Five traits, described as The Big Five Personality Model determine the personality traits of a manager. They determine the strengths and weaknesses of a of the leadership qualities as a manager. Extroversion means that an individual is gregarious, assertive and sociable. This contradicts with introversion, which holds that people are reserved, timid and quiet. Managers who portray extroversion qualities are good managers, as they do not limit themselves to their own individual perceptions. Introverts are weak managers who are unsocial, reserved and timid. Agreeableness refers to an individual’s propensity to differ with others. People who possess a high level of agreeableness tend to be cooperative, warm and trusting. This defines the characteristics of a strong manager as they can cooperate with others easily, show high levels of warmth and trusting enough. However, weak ma nagers’ forms the group of people who score low on the agreeableness scale tend to be cold, disagreeable and antagonistic. This type of managers thus cannot compare with high levels of agreeableness. Conscientiousness measures the level of reliably of a person by others. Characteristics of a manager with a high level of conscientiousness include responsibility, organization, dependability, and persistent. Such managers are strong and highly reliable. On the other hand, weak managers score lowly on the conscientiousness scale. This is because they are easily distracted, disorganized and unreliable, qualities defining poor managers. Emotional stability described with its converse neuroticism taps into a person’s stability, the tendency of calmness, self-confident and secure. Strong managers are those possessing high emotional stability, and are calm, self-confident and secure. Openness to experience addresses an array of interests and fascination with novelty. Thus, mana gers with extreme openness are highly creative, curious and artistically sensitive. On the other hand, weak managers have weak emotional stability. Personality determines the management style people prefer applied to them. People scoring high on emotional stability are happier than those scoring low. Compared to other big five, the association of this trait to the job satisfaction is high. Thus, people lows on emotional stability are hyper-vigilant and are more prone to physical and psychological effects of stress. Extroverts tend to be happier in their jobs as well as their lives than the introverts are. They tend to perform better than the introverts and require strong interpersonal interaction. Since they have a high level of social dominance, they show exhibit a high level of assertion than the introverts. Thus, they are more likely to engage in more risky behaviour and miss from work more than the introverts. Managers who score high on openness to experience are more creative i n science rather than in art. Since creativity

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Contemporary isssues in Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Contemporary isssues in Marketing - Essay Example and paper will discuss and focus on the notion of marketing in the contemporary, what the irreducible minimums are and how ethics borders on the subject of interest-marketing. Marketing as a concept has undergone a series of changes, dynamism and evolution over the years, shifting from the natural conventional meaning of selling goods and services. There have been changes relative to managerial focus, institutional focus, social aspect, commodity aspect and institutional focus or aspect. To begin with, the social aspect of marketing is concerned with the quality and the innate parts of the product or services (Murphy, 2010). This is to mention that a product, good or services is presented to the market due to its worth and value. Secondly, commodity aspect touches on the good or service itself and its usefulness in the human society and life (Maina, 2013). A practical case and instance is a manufactured good, finished product say a farm product such as diary which has undergone value addition. Institutional aspect in marketing seems to deal with the dealership concept from the wholesalers to the retailers and agent. Irreducibly, it would focus on how to e ntice and appeal to their natural and business instincts. Over the years, the changes, advancements, modifications and improvements in the field of technology has seen a corresponding change in the notion of marketing. In the past, business relied or word of mouth marketing, mailed brochures, radio and television advertisements and later is the internet marketing (Pride & Ferrell, 2011). Verbal marketing required field agents to be deployed to spread the good word and message of marketing. Secondly, the customers also shared the message with others and the brand name spread. Internet marketing has also been boosted by the expansion of the social media space where users can view products online and firms spend less for the marketing process. This argument and logic presents the chronological moves and evolution